Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Back to the Prairie: The Good Earth

Spring sun shines brightly over the prairie as soft fresh grasses make their appearance. Tender patches dot the land bringing with it the hope of spring. There drifts a fresh crispness in the air drawing me down the gravel drive; a gentle barn kitty greets me there.
Kitty and I find a warm place in the sun; snuggles and nuzzles meet with purring and pawing. Together we sit just enjoying the sunshine. Across the prairie there rises a distant familiar sound.
Far across the land a rumble grows..the sleepy soil is waking. Tractors and tillers are busy at work. Hearty aromas of stubble and stick drift over the prairie breeze stirring thoughts of the past harvest. 
My eyes close as I draw in the warmth of the sun and the scent of the land. Visions of bountiful fields and hearty gardens fill my mind; beans and cabbages..hay and wheat. My heart longs for the bounty and the beauty of the good earth.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

I just cant wait to get into the garden feeling the dirt and then the taste of the fresh strawberries and corn on the cob!