Hey y'all!
Been a while since I was last on here, I've been so busy! With all the things that go on in life, like your family, friends, business, jobs, who knows, it gets hard to remember to put God in your life. I've had to do some adjusting of schedules, free time, and so on to be more diligent not only in life, but with God too. Each morning as I wake up, I slide into my clothes and hit the bathroom for my morning routine, all the way praying God will give me guidance through the day, and to let His will be done. I hit play on my CD Player that I keep in there, with my favorite iTunes Mix CD I made, letting the first song "My Jesus" by Todd Agnew fill the bathroom and get me on the right track. I begin brushing my teeth, hair, washing my face, while listening as the music rolls on to "More Beautiful You" by Jonny Diaz and some Elvis popped in there for spice. God's been guiding me through a lot of things, and I've been blessed lately, so completely that I'm just in awe so many times through the day.
The other day, God revealed to me my purpose in this world. I was walking back to the Master Gardener builing after our work day, and I was looking at the sky, thinking how beautiful it was, then at our gardens, and how, in a way, it was our job to keep beautiful and to care for what God has given us. It suddenly hit me, that that is my job, my purpose-to help keep this earth beautiful and to care for what He gives me, I'm a gardener. He also showed me that I can be a Physical Therapist, or a Physical Trainer. That came to me as I was helping SimpleN'rae stretch due to back pain, and it just felt so right, such a perfect fit, to know my purposes. One thing I also am is a dancer-I love to dance! Maybe in time I could be a Dance Instructor for ballroom and other dances, but for now, I'm content learning how. One day I might be called to ministry, it's unsure yet, but I know that right now, for now, my purpose is to care for God's World-His people and His nature.
It's a wonderful feeling knowing your purpose, have you found yours yet?
Luv all y'all,
SimplyJen, your Goat Mama
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