Monday, March 7, 2011

A Simple Quilt by Simplynik

   Boot and jeans are her thing; bandannas are a great compliment to both. A few years ago our oldest teen designed and created a quilt for herself using some of her favorite fabrics: bandannas and denim.
   Sewing is not her favorite activity, so her quilt needed to be simple and easy to put together- yet designed to compliment her "boots-n-barnyard" style. She designed a quilt using bandannas we collected from her great grandfather's stash and soft denim as her backing. Stitching together whole bandannas in alternating red and blue pattern, she pieced the layers in a "inside out fashion". This means the quilt went: batting, quilt top (wrong side up), and quilt back (right side up). She stitched the layers leaving one corner open just big enough for her hand to fit through.
   After turning the quilt right side out, she slip stitched the corner shut..but it still needed quilting to stabilize the layers. Here is where I came in. I machine stitched in the ditch and corner to corner on each bandanna square, then finished a top stitch around the entire outer edge.
   The finished quilt still graces the foot of her bed today- a precious reminder of the summer she designed, pieced and finished her own quilt (with just a little help from me).

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