Tuesday, May 24, 2011

In My Quite Place..

  Life moves at a roaring pace; at times it just gets to you. My quite place is generally the greenhouse; the whole family knows- when I am there I need my space. Out the door and through the back, my feet trod the familiar path toward my quiet place. Standing in the doorway another reality hit me; summer has come early this year- drought and heat made this special place unbearable.
   Slowly roaming across the homestead, grass crunching beneath my feet, little things beg for my attention: the bleating of little goats, herbs that need trimmed and harvested, clothes need hung on the line--teens, stalls, water troughs...the list is endless. Then, in a moment, a place calls to me- a place of quite; a place so familiar I can not believe it hasn't called to me before.
   Standing there in the stalks of corn, swallowed up by the tall green field, I draw a deep breath Lord, it is all too big for me- my heart is heavy- what do I do? The wind sweeps over the stalks as it brushes my face Shh, wait.  Again I breath deep the warm heat of this day- the scent of the farm washes over me- my heart is stirred with a memory and in my mind I go back.
   A little girl filled with worries all her own steps out in boldness toward her fears--one step at a time, heart racing, she stops only a few feet in to the wheat field. Breathing deep, the scent of a farm- barns and pastures, fields filled with wheat- feeds her soul in ways she cannot explain. She turns her face toward the sun as the wind brushes her face. Such a simple prayer is uttered Lord, it is too big for me...a soft reply sweeps her heart Shh, wait.
   Memories of years, their troubles and worries, flood my mind; Yes, You have always been faithful. So many things I have allowed my heart to be troubled with...so many times He has made the way straight..shown me the place of quiet..the place where He reminds me Shh, wait. Renewed and refreshed, I step from this place; back to the tasks that call to me. What do I do? One thing at a time...the only thing to do is the next thing. In the midst of these crazy days, I will meet Him again in my quiet place.

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