Thursday, May 12, 2011

So Much Still to Do!

   Sitting here sipping my coffee..staring over my list of things to do. Graduation is this weekend and it seems graduating is hard work. While I did manage to get all the invitations out, I have received very few RSVP's. The dress has been purchased, and the shoes..however, I just realized the cap and gown are terribly wrinkled. Only yesterday did I realize we needed to decorate a table for a reception time- what on earth goes on that? decorating has never been my strong point. Then, the after graduation party...On and on it goes!
   In the still hush of this moment I try to remember the purpose; I am celebrating a young girl's educational accomplishments. Reflecting on her past twelve years of education I realize she has done so many things! Art and piano lessons- decorating cakes and 4-H- trained horses and raised poultry, goats, donkeys, dogs and there was that one cow- she has volunteered, babysat, learned to drive and to aide the elderly--gone on mission trips and youth events---she has done so many things!
   With all the accomplishments she has made (including duel credit studies with honors) her accomplishments are not done; the list is not complete. Plans are pondered and ideas sparked- becoming a therapist, having a family someday....laughing at her dad and I as "old people". Yes, it seems with all this behind her, there is so very much still ahead.
   Right now, my list still waits--the time to ponder is over. With my cup of coffee gone I need to get moving. Before this graduation takes place there is still so much to do!

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