Friday, May 27, 2011

Then and Now..The Wonder of It All.

Afternoon sun glares down upon the farm; breeze graces us with relief from the stifling heat. In the shadow of the farmhouse we gather on medal lawn chairs with buckets and bowls. The mornings' pickings need prepared for canning; our noon day heat will be endured with light hand work. 
Each in place, the work begins. Conversation flows freely as our hands knowingly snap the beans into pieces- just the right size. The price of feed and the latest garage sale finds are hot topics along with who's expecting and who found their way to mischief. A little tiff breaks out when it is realized that Great-grandma has been putting the snapped beans in the stem job is to quickly remedy the problem. She smiles at me and bites her tongue..we giggle together at my Grandmother's grand reaction to it all. All is right again- harmony restored as we continue on this task. Together we sit, sharing the work, sharing the worries and the wonders of it all. 

Afternoon sun settles over the little farm; sweltering heat indexes already plague our farm. In the shade of the house we sit together longing for even a slight breeze to ease the intense heat. The shadow of the house is where we gather on wooden gliders with buckets and bowls; this mornings' pickings need prepared for canning. Our work will keep our mind off the stifling heat.
Conversation flows freely among us as our hands mindlessly snap green beans- just the right size, the way I have always done. The price of gas, the latest movie..our hearts are shared over this mundane task. A little tiff breaks out when someone shares a tender secret from her own heart...lovingly teased all is well. One shares a shy smile and I give a knowing look...we giggle together at the grand reaction to it all. The subject changes as we return to our work. Together we sit, sharing the work, sharing the worries and the wonders of it all.

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