my daughter's rendition of a Tasha Tudor painting, given to me on my birthday |
Webster's Dictionary: The individual’s responsibility to manage his life and property with proper regard to the rights of others.
Holman Bible Dictionary: Utilizing and managing all resources God provides for the glory of God and the betterment of His creation.
Most of us who have spent any amount of time in church think of money/tithe when we hear the word 'stewardship'. That was my mindset many years ago, however, when I married my husband taught me a deeper clearer meaning of biblical stewardship.
In our family the idea of stewardship encompasses our time, our talent, and our treasures... a broad spectrum including so many facets of our life. Our family's view of stewardship starts with the clear view : everything we have is given to us by God. With this in mind, it is my responsibility, as a steward of God's things, to use them to the best of my ability in a manner that pleases the Lord and gives Him glory. When it comes to teaching family values, it's never to early to start..and never to late to review.
*volunteer to help when the opportunity arises:
..older relatives, at a senior center, in assisted living
...with younger relatives, in a younger class, be a mentor to others
...with tasks/chores, at home, in church, in 4H, in your community
...when you don't want to...sometimes God is prompting us to step out a bit and do that which we are uncomfortable with
*use it or lose it- God has given you abilities to use for His purposes
...can you babysit, adult sit, be a mommy's helper,
...do you teach, sing, play music, are you artistic
...are you a prayer warrior, compassionate, a good listener
*do you have more than you are using
...can you share from your garden, your pantry, your closet
...support a missionary, a child in another country, an underground church or missionary
...take food to one in need, to a new mother, to an elderly friend
*gifts are meant to be shared, what are your treasures?
...are you willing to send a family member to the mission field
...can you let go of your husband to minister to prisoners, homeless, impoverished
...would you give your life, health, security for another for the glory of God
Tough questions that ask our consideration...what are we willing to give up for His sake. In our family, we aim to look for the opportunity..evaluate it...pray on it...being willing is half the battle. We have learned by doing, by experiencing, by getting out there. Sheltering our family away from the hard realities of our world has never been part of the plan, but to consider their age and maturity..then open the door to opportunity.
My husband and I believe in teaching and training, holding each other accountable to the important task of stewardship. It is never to late to start.