Monday, January 30, 2012

Quess What!

   New babies on the farm!! Twenty five beautiful Australorp and Araucana chicks arrived yesterday from our favorite hatchery. They immediately settled into their warm brooder for a day of little chick business (eat, peep, poop). I love hearing their noisy chatter as I near the barn; the older hens were gathered on the fence line to check out the ruckus.
   Inquisitive eyes peak at me from titled little heads. When my hand comes near they dart close to inspect..allowing a tender little strokes to their soft fluffy heads, if only for a moment. Such a joy it was to visit them throughout the day and watch their silly chirpy fun.

For information on our poultry brooder and poultry keeping habits please click the poultry keeping label on the right side of the blog page, or email/comment me with questions.


Michelle said...

They are so cute. Even my daughter that doesn't like our chickens thought they were cute.

Unknown said...

Thank you..I love them!

Anonymous said...

how fantastic! we have new hampshire reds right now but i really want to add araucanas to the mix!

Unknown said...

Just be aware- araucanas are rather wild birds!

Clint Baker said...

I grew up on a 300 plus acre farm. Now I live on a small urban lot, but I am doing all I can to farm what God has given me. I hope to get some chickens next. Thanks for the inspiration!