Friday, March 16, 2012

Gloves & Garden Weekend

Winter's greenhouse tomatoes are almost finished producing.

Plenty of onions are being gathered in.

The last of the winter greens are being harvested an put away; kale, chard, broccoli and cabbages.
Lettuce is starting to bolt and plants in the greenhouse are budding up..just aching to
go into the large garden beds.

Time to break out the gloves and get into the garden this weekend!!


Intentional Living Homestead said...

Wow...we just had snow and here are your beautiful veggies...envious LOL.

What incredible blessings.

Mrs. Farmer said...

Mr. Farmer has been teasing me with promises of a greenhouse for years. Maybe one day we will have stored up enough old windows to build one. The growing season is so super short here...