Monday, June 10, 2013

You Don't See That Every Day...

    ...or do you? The garden was way too wet for working, yet the cloud covered day seemed perfect for outdoor activity. Days like that lure me into the greenhouse where cleaning and clearing is much needed. While clearing debris, dirt, and other unruly things I found my garden tote.
    That 'ah-ha' moment when you realize you have been doing Master Gardener Internship lugging tools in a rubber basket thing when you have a perfectly good 'real' garden tote; yep, I had one. Well, a short lived one. As my hand reached for the handles the farm boy called my attention to a little tiny nest with little tiny eggs and a little tiny mama bird. Leaves and pine straw, feathers and down are craftily woven by a devoted mama bird to fashion a cozy home for her coming babes. Four cream colored eggs sport rusty speckles; they couldn't be any bigger than a fingernail.
      So it is the tote remains there in the greenhouse on the little shelf home to the nuthatch and her brood-to-be. What a precious sight, her nestled there patiently waiting the arrival of hungry little ones. You don't see that every day, or do you? 


Becky said...

Awww - what a precious little discovery.

Dicky Bird said...

Oh how cute!


That is such a cute nest. I'm glad you posted I've never seen one of that kind. So sweet.