I grew an orange; a Satsuma, to be specific. While this may seem hardly worth the effort to talk about, for me this is a huge feat! In the four years that tree has been in my garden the only thing I got from it was frustration; blossom drop, fruit dropping, and the almighty drought were to thank. This year, however, I grew an orange!
Trivial, maybe, but this orange is my 'one thing' right now. Do you have that? A 'one thing' that makes you feel everything is okay. It allows you to just take a breath and sigh. The past several weeks have been a flurry of activity, productivity and chaos- none of which anyone cares to hear about. Today I really needed 'one thing' to set my focus. God is good- He sent the right thing at the right time.
So, simple as it is, I proclaim loudly with juice dripping down my chin- I grew an orange!