the Dresden |
I keep passing by the quilt table sighing with frustration- where does the time go? It seems weeks have passed me by with not one moment spent working here. The hustle and bustle of the farm coupled with classes and lessons and teens- where does the time go? The days come and go with garden harvesting, stall mucking, meal preparing, and...and...and...I forget. Yet, let me sit and ponder..these days won't last. The weather will change driving us inside giving us time; time for sitting things-for comfort things. Any day now time will be found for cups of hot tea, quilts on the table, games and movies and just being. Yes, soon, I will find where the time did go.
Awww, I am so sorry to hear this. You haven't had him very long, have you? So sorry. Much love to you all.
Andrea L.
Hey, My comment on this post was meant for Peppy's Post. Sorry! My bad.
Andrea L.
Thank you Andrea, we did not have him long but we did love him very much. Such a strange incident, there must be a reason.
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