Thursday, April 5, 2012

.Resurrection Activities for the Family

The Suffering Messiah by simplynik
   Over the years our Resurrection week (or Passion week or Holy week) activities have varied and changed according to the ages and understandings of our children. Early years brought crafts and simple lessons into our study of Christ's passion while later years involved readings and research into our studies. In the past few years we have studied the Jewish passover Seder elements and their symbolism- as well as viewing the movie The Passion.
   Ten things we have done to celebrate Resurrection:
1. Baked Resurrection Cookies (as found here
2. Interactively studied the Bible's account of the last week of Christ starting with Palm Sunday until Resurrection morning (i.e. making palm leaves, discovering unleaven bread, and making a cross in our yard)
3. Used Resurrection Eggs to share with other children ( found here
4. Baked Resurrection rolls (as found here
5. Watched The Passion together as a family one section at a time while studying the passion in the Bible.
6. Memorized Scriptures relating to the cross of Christ, written them on note cards, and placed them at the foot of the cross (a table size one) representing our love for Him.
7. Constructed a full size cross and placed it near our gate.
8. Served in various church based activities geared toward reaching the lost (or those who attend only on holidays).
9. Attended Resurrection services at our church.
10. Gathered with family and friends to celebrate the wonder of the Cross.

  As we draw near to Resurrection weekend, please consider prayerfully what God has planned for us; what message He may be trying to give.

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