Caramel is one of those wonderful treats easily paired with almost anything, but that is not the only way to enjoy its chewy goodness. Caramel stands alone perfectly..front and center..just by itself..and handmade..even better. The only problem with handmade caramel- the time it takes to make them.
As temperatures drop and rise at the end of the year, my grandfather gets a stirring desire to make his favorite treat. With a step stool to rest on, he pulls the vision ware dutch oven from its shelf and settles in for an afternoon of quite reminiscing.
Grandpa Hoffman's Caramels
2 cups sugar
3/4 cups light corn syrup
1 1/2 cups milk
1/4 teaspoon salt
3 squares unsweetened chocolate
1/2 cup butter
Mix all ingredients together and look on low heat to hard ball stage, stirring constantly. Pour into a buttered dish (such as a 10" pie dish).
This recipe is said to have originated with his father who made them in the winter months so as to cool them on the back porch before breaking them into pieces with a small hammer. The vision glassware my grandfather uses were my grandmother's favorite cookware. After making the caramels in them once, he never used any other dish.
As for me, I have not made the caramels myself, but simply look forward to the delivery of this tasty treat as he tends to bring them by quickly after making them. I haven't seen any yet this year, but I am sure that day is coming very soon.

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