Thursday, January 10, 2013

In Random Things

   Sunlight- finally..after days on end with dreary wetness and gray gloom. Needless to say everyone enjoyed soaking up the warmth and brightness of the beautiful break in our weather. Hard as it was I spent the day in class, but used every single break as an opportunity to take a brisk stroll around the buildings for some fresh air. I didn't realize how hard it would be to sit in a dark room for hours on end staring at a power point listening to lectures...let me's hard.
   Another challenge this week has been sticking to my whole foods healthy seems my co-students really like to snack. So in attempt to curb this issue- which stands between me and the bathroom each and ever break time- I snatch a handful of fruit and bolt out the door into the sunshine. Therein I take a brisk stroll while checking my messages and breathing in the light...and, having discovered a backdoor to the building, avoid the snack table using an alternate route to the facilities. Packing a healthy lunch to eat outside on a bench helps, too.
   In my absence Jen and the farm boy have been keeping studies, chores, and meals under hand. While he works on his essay writing and driver's instruction, she has been clicking the needles and swishing the hook with plenty of beautiful results...blankets and hats..even a pair of little booties. It has been good to see her working her threads a bit before college studies fill her day again.
   Then, there is soap..wonderful and all natural soaps. I have made soap off and on over the years, but lately the soap bug has bit me. Let me be honest in saying my soaps are nothing fancy, but they are not meant to isn't my goal. My desire is natural, healthy soaps made with natural healthy ingredients...and I love it!

   After such a long week of changed routine I am completely ready to spend my weekend mucking stalls, turning compost, and catching up on all the teen talk missed this week. It is quite fulfilling to step back and realize I survived four classes, their tests, and being away from my home stead for such long stretches. Four days of wonderful home and then I start it all over again..but only for five more weeks.

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