Tuesday, May 21, 2013

You Don't See That Every Day

    You don't see a wasp dragging a spider every day..or do you? More and more my attention seems drawn to the unique and unusual things in the garden..a wasp eating a cabbage looper, stink bugs laying eggs on the squash leaves, lady bugs feasting on aphids. I have always been fascinated with bugs, but for some reason this garden season seems to really get my attention.
    Tonight the farm boy and I were gathering in onions when an odd sight caught his eye. Passing by the greenhouse, he noticed a large wolf spider (the size of your palm). A red wasp swooped down, stung the spider, and proceeded to drag it across the greenhouse's stone path. It took a good seven minutes for the determined little wasp to haul his load to the far corner of our greenhouse where terra cotta pots are stacked. There he disappeared from sight.
     As my days find me on my knees between the rows more and more interesting creature habit is sure to cross my path. So while it may be something you don't see every day, maybe you will..if you take the time to look.
     Any interesting activity crossing your path these days?


Dicky Bird said...

I've never seen anything like that - just bumble bees busy in the apple blossoms up here. And of course - mosquitos. Blessings from Wisconsin.

Mrs. Farmer said...

I watched an ant and a spider fight over a dead ant once. The ant started carrying the dead ant away, but then the spider came out, and the ant let go. The spider put the ant in his web, then started to walk away, and the live ant tried to steal it back. They played keep-away with that dead ant for several minutes before I decided to get back to work...

Unknown said...

I bet that was fascinating to watch! Thank you for sharing.