Thursday, July 14, 2011

Taking a Trip Back. Thursdays

   I came from the Kansas prairie; my growing-up home and my heart still loves it so. Doubtful I will ever return- most of my family is no longer there and the farm, well... Time has passed, but my memories remain: fields of grain rolling like the sea, wind whipping clothes on the line, corn fields and canning- selling the calves and bringing in new.
   My children have grown up with my memories from that place long ago. At their urging (and my husbands) I will be taking a trip back every Thursday- right here on the blog. We will visit my grandparents, Ila Mae and Emery Lee, my aunts, Marsha and Janie, my uncle Randy and the homes they built when I was younger; the barn and the shop where I loved to play (when I should have been working) and the big basement that scared me half to death- won't you join me?
   Join me, if you will. We'll sip iced tea and share a biscuit while our minds wander over the miles and through time...we are taking a trip back to the prairie.

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